Blue alert priority 2
Vehicula vestibulum rutrum lorem nostra habitant bibendum. Ultrices nostra est pretium habitasse erat cursus efficitur. Suscipit pede felis magnis justo neque. Himenaeos tincidunt consectetuer porta semper feugiat risus. Natoque priority 3
Yellow alert priority 3
Red alert priority 3
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Ringing in the New Year with Regent University

Every year at Regent University is special, filled with achievement and numerous opportunities to showcase excellence in Christian higher education. This one was no exception.

Regent remains committed to excellence, and these are only a few of the many ways the university continues to champion the message of Christ.

Although the moments of celebration have been unprecedented, the community of dedicated students, staff, and faculty are in continuous prayer for God’s blessing and guidance for not only 2018, but the years to come.